I really can't wait to go up north for some hiking! I feel so blessed that we don't have to go too far for some real mountain hiking... not that the air in the foothills isn't clean and crisp but the trees in the forest really add punch. Nathanael and I feel so blessed to be back in California!
** I got a job!!** It's really not a 'big deal' job, but it's something and I am so happy for it! On top of that this week I've been doing some temping for our family Acupuncturist... No better environment to work in, seriously.
So we are enjoying the fall weather tremendously. When we're not searching for jobs (which we consider our jobs) we're taking 4-6 mile long walks, and they are brilliant! The sunset tonight was intense and the colors didn't just fade away after the sun went down- I guess the typical sunset colors were hospitable and called upon uncommon colors to the sky and the colors grew stronger a good hour afterward. And before the sunset, the moon was HUGE! It was peeking over the Sierra Nevada's and looked eerie just because of it's size! God is GOOD! We always say we have to bring the camera next time, so... next time!
Prop. 8 passed! The people of California spoke again for the second time and again gay marriage was banned. I really thank God for this... this prop. was on my heart more than the outcome of the presidential race. Some people think Pres. Obama will in the end allow gay marriage but I hold out hope and am just so happy. It makes me proud that California stood up to all the bullying (and boy was there bullying) and voted YES!
It gets me fusterated when I would hear out-of-staters say 'Oh those crazy Californians allowed gay marriage'- FALSE. We never voted it in, 3 judges in SF overturned the states majority vote against it, and that's why we voted for it again this election year. Anyway!
Here are some pictures from our Hawaii trip that I promised! Just a few...
Kailua Beach, Oahu
Near the Volcanoes, Hawai'i
Waimea Canyon, Kauai
Polihale Beach, Kauai
Zip Lining, Kauai