"My favorite pastime is letting time pass, having the time, taking my time, wasting my time, living out of time- against the current. " -Francoise Sagan

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lovely La Jolla

I- on chance got Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday off from work, and we thought with gas prices being so low... why not head down to San Diego!? So we did! Filling up my Civic's gas tank was only $17, and after I got off of work on Tuesday we drove on down! It is soooo nice here! I do love the fog and chill we have in NorCal, and I know that San Diego was having some fog, but today it was clear and mid 70's! We walked over to Froglander's ( a yogurt place in La Jolla) at around eight pm and I didn't even need a sweater! I love La Jolla because it's like I'm in a different country! What I mean is, yes, it is very Californian- but it also is very European-ish. Well, that's just my feeling!

I feel blessed that we are able to take little holidays down, and that Em & Raz are so welcoming and fun! Plus we get see other family and friends whenever we come down too. It's really special that Nathanael and I get to come down here... and we are grateful!

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